Real Impact.
Real Use cases.

Positive Blockchain projects use blockchain technologies to generate positive social impact and solve some of our world’s burning problems

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Project Database
PositiveBlockchain projects are initiatives from startup, corporates, government or non-profit organization using blockchain and decentralized technologies as tools to create a positive impact and solve social or environmental issues. What all PB projects share in common is the aim to positively impact people’s life

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Table view
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A report from PB, Scrypt.Media & GIZ Blockchain Lab on community currencies

Community Currencies
Trade facilitation and community development in the age of blockchain & DLT

A solution papers following a joint conference of the UN’ JLS and Geneva Macro Labs in 2019

Blockchain 4 Impact
Unlocking DLT’s potential for a sustainable future

A framework proposed by the Beek Center and Georgetown University

The Blockchain ethical design framework

A 2020 report by the German development agency GIZ and Smart Africa

Blockchain in Africa
How African countries can take advantage of DLTs as they are maturing

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